About us
l'avion jaune
L’Avion Jaune was the 2004 winner of the Ministry for Research competition in the “emerging companies” category. The brainchild of three ideally matched founding partners, the company is an all-round expert in matters of drone design, image acquisition and processing. The growth of the business from 2007 enabled it to recruit and undertake increasingly ambitious projects. The company’s purpose is to produce observation data from Earth in the form of multispectral maps and manufacture instruments for observations and measurements.
After a number of years when photography by microlight and occasionally by helicopter had taken precedence over its drone work, a successful tender in 2009 to the CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) to map the atolls of Mururoa and Fangataufa provided an opportunity to prove the utility and effectiveness of its drones, the development of which had never ceased in the meantime. L’Avion Jaune is therefore one of the oldest businesses to work with drones and has completed more than 500 missions in France and worldwide.
L’Avion Jaune is pursuing its mapping activities, mainly with manned aircraft, as well as continuing to develop its high-endurance drones for more distant applications, such as in the marine environment, tropical forests and polar regions.
Our international business is increasing, with prestigious missions in South America and Africa in relation to research and agronomy and the development of on-board sensor systems with highly competitive quality/price performance.