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Photogrammetry for geological research
Together with its partner Positics, L’Avion Jaune has built a Phase One iXU 1000 sensor into its M600 drone to produce very high-resolution 3D models of quarries. This photogrammetric data will enable the geological and mining research agency BRGM to study the

Lidar scanning at Neolithic village of Monte Revincu, Corsica
2019 got off to a great start with a mission from the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs – to survey the microrelief of the archaeological site of Monte Revincu in northern Corsica. Overlooking the gulf of Saint Florent and the

Region Occitanie: beautiful images with a purpose
Since 2018, L’Avion Jaune has regularly captured images that combine technical information and aesthetics. The Technical Services of Region Occitanie plan, monitor ongoing works, and inspect completed works in relation to numerous major infrastructure projects such as ports, railway stations,

Drones to map individual palm trees
OLAM Gabon commissioned L’Avion Jaune to supply a drone capable of mapping its tens of thousands of hectares of palm tree plantations. The operation was successfully completed with the provision of a Boreal system and in-situ staff training.

Archaeological mapping at 4,000m above sea level
Begun in 2016, the mapping of the pre-Inca sites in the region of Uyuni (Bolivia) continued in 2017. A fixed-wing drone mapping mission was conducted on a dozen sites located on the slopes of the Tunupa Volcano. The objective of