Research and development



The aim of the LAMA project is to produce complete equipement to perform aerial imagery acquisition and photogrammetry processing in order to improve the quality and the precision of the produced maps.

This tool is designed to be compact and adaptable to a great varity of platform for futur industrialisation.

The project was granted a « Contrat Innovation » by the “la Région Occitanie” in France, with public funding of nearly 97 000€ for L’Avion Jaune.


The PALMAP project is aimed at developing innovative solutions from a variety of spatial imaging sources for palm plantation managers in southern countries.

The spatial data currently available, whether from drones or satellites, offers a wealth of information to support decision-making and plantation management, especially regarding crop monitoring and the detection and interpretation of anomalies. However, given the complexity of the appearance of vegetation in the images, the classification and segmentation of the trees is still generally carried out manually, based on field surveys and photo-interpretation.

L’Avion Jaune combines different sources of spatial data, whether from drones or satellites, and uses different image-processing algorithms (deep-learning, segmentation) to offer automated applications suited to routine production.

The objective is to develop tools that are appropriate to the economic and production realities of the operators, from counting palm trees and detecting changes in protected areas right through to identification of growth anomalies.

This project receives funding from the BPI.

Drone talveg


TalVeg 2 is an R&D project aimed at developing decision support tools for ecosystem planning and monitoring – for implementing and monitoring innovative revegetation of disturbed soils, for example. Among other things, L’Avion Jaune contributes its experience and know-how of the use of very high-resolution spatial airborne imaging and multispectral sensors.

In this project, L’Avion Jaune worked with Valorhiz (coordinateur du projet), a Montpellier-based SME specializing in diagnostic studies, sustainable rehabilitation and monitoring of soils and ecosystems, and with two regional academic partners: INRA and CNRS .

This 3-year project (2015-2018) received funding from the European Union in Languedoc-Roussillon/Midi-Pyrénées via the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER).